We've begun testing v2024 of Expoverse and activating waitlisted Expoverse Accounts — currently needed to access most content, products & services.
Invitation holders can now start helping us train our new systems and incoming team members. There are benefits of course!
Sign in to start collaborating. No account yet? We will activate many more over the next few months! For now you can get on the Account Waitlist.
★ These notification "Whitepages" do not represent our full UI (user interface); which will roll out continuously over a couple of months.
★ We're very serious about doing our best to provide good info, high-quality entertainment, and great products & services... also about protecting our brand, marks and identity.
We've been notified that multiple third-parties across different countries are allegedly unlawfully offering products and services. Also about protecting our brand, marks and identity.
These offers originate neither from Expoverse Entertainment Group LLC dba Expoverse (est. 2013, registered in the U.S.) nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.
If you discover someone else offering a product or service using the Expoverse tradename — we ask that you kindly report it to us.
To be sure, always verify the URL matches the Expoverse company & brand web domain: https://www.expoverse.com
★If it isn't it, it isn't legit.